How To Use Teeth whitening gel?

January 29, 2019
How to use a Teeth Whitening

It is really simple. First you mould the mouth guards using boiling water. Add the gel to your mouth guards and insert in your mouth along with the LED light. 45 minutes later you’ll have a pearly white smile. Watch the .

What are the ingredients?

The active ingredient is high quality 18% carbamide peroxide - the same used by dentists and the highest legal grade in Australia.

How long does whitening take?

We recommend you leave the whitening gel on for about 45 minutes to an hour.

What is the blue gel?

The blue gel is a desensitisation gel which you use after whitening if you have any sensitivity. You simply rub it on your teeth/gums and leave it on for 10 minutes.

What does the light do?

The LED light activates the whitening gel and speeds up the process of whitening.

What is included in the kit?

: 2 x 3ml whitening gel; mouth guards; LED light.
: 3 x 3ml whitening gel; desensitisation gel; mouth guards; mouth guard case; LED light.
Pack: Two full Professional kits

How long do the products last?

Unopened your kit will last for 2 years, if you’ve opened your gel it will last for 12 months.

How many uses in each tube of gel?

There are approximately 4-5 treatments in each tube.

How many treatments in each kit?

Each 3ml of whitening gel is enough for 4-5 treatments which means that in the Starter Pack you get 8-10 treatments and in the Professional Kit you get 12-15. The Best Friends Pack is two full Professional Kits.

How soon will I run out and need to reorder?

If you follow the instructions and use only the recommended amount of gel you should get:

Starter Kit: 8-10 treatments which is enough for 6 or 7 months.

Professional Kit: 12-15 treatments which is enough for 12 months.

Best Friends Pack: same as the Professional Kit x 2

Strips: 8-10 treatments which is enough for 6 or 7 months.

Do I need to buy the whole kit again?

We sell on the website as a cost-saver. You can keep using the LED light and the moulds from your kit.

I haven’t received instructions with my kit, where can I find them?

A: The instructions and tips for the best and safest whitening are on the bottom of your starter and professional kits.

Do you offer a money back guarantee?

No we don’t - we’re Australia’s number 1 choice because - that’s why tens of thousands of people around the globe have pearly white smiles.

Do you refund?

We don’t offer a refund for a change of mind. We only offer a refund on faulty products which need to be returned to us. Please see our for more information.

What is the percentage of the ‘bleach’?

It is 18% carbamide peroxide.

Can I use the express pen to whiten?

Absolutely, the contains the same whitening formula as the kits, the only difference is the application.

What’s the difference between the kits and the strips?

Our whitening strips are infused with the natural antibacterial and whitening and have been formulated to lessen sensitivity. They are convenient and easy to use and great if you are prone to tooth sensitivity.

How long can I keep the gel in the cupboard?

Opened you can keep it in the cupboard or drawer for 1 year. Unopened you can store it 2 years.

Do I need to store the gel in the fridge?

A: No, store in a cool, dry spot away from direct sunlight, but you don’t need to keep it in the fridge.

Are your products cruelty free and/or vegan?

Yes, we’re proud to say they are.

During bleaching my gums were burning, leaving areas of my gums white. Is this due to overfilling?

Either the trays are covering your gum area or you have overfilled the trays with whitening gel. Place a smaller droplet in each tooth or bleach line midway across the inner wall of the tray.

Gums will return to normal within a few hours and the whiteness will disappear. Avoid hot, spicy foods until your gums are fully healed and wait at least one week before whitening again. Treat your teeth for only half the recommended time during your next treatment and slowly increase the whitening time with subsequent treatments. Using your desensitisation gel will also help with the burning and help your gums to heal.

What should I do if I swallow some solution?

Do NOT induce vomiting. Call the poisons hotline - Australia 13 11 26; New Zealand 0800 764 766 or a doctor.

What should I do if the whitening solution comes into contact with my skin or hair?

If skin or hair contact occurs, remove contaminated clothing and flush skin and hair with running water. Continue flushing until advised to stop by a Poisons Information Centre e.g. Phone Australia 13 11 26; New Zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor.

What should I do if I get whitening solution in my eye?

If in eyes, hold eyelids apart and flush the eye continuously with running water. Continue flushing until advised to stop by a Poisons Information Centre e.g. Phone Australia 13 11 26; New Zealand 0800 764 766) or a doctor, or for at least 15 minutes

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